Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Task 1:
I think it is nessesary to bring these items,
Clothes- specially can bring a special jilbab or ibayah for men u can bring a ihram

Hijabs- must wear hijabs

Tesbeeah(dua beads)- so you can make tesbeeah in the plane or at the kabah or in the taxis or cars or even at the hotel so you can make lots of dua and get more good deeds.

Quran-so you can read lots of quran and memoriza for good deeds.

tooth brush-so you can stay clean and keep your breath smelling good or at least not stinky

Extra shoes(flip flops) can loose them easily.

Visa-you need it to travel

passport- you need that to travel and to go for hajj

light clothes especially- so you don't get so hot

water bottles- so you can take them with you when you walk around and travel so you don't get thirsty

prayer rug-so you can pray at the airport and in the hotels

mimy/porable battery powered fan-so you can stay cool

deoderant-so you can stay clean and smaell godd/better/not stinky

suitcase-to put your items in

shampoo and conditioner-so you can stay clean and feel fresh

money-to buy things and to go to hajj

Sunscreen-so you can keep your skin safe from the sun

light colored clothes-so the sun in't as attracted to you

madicane and bandages-so you can treat your sickness and small injuries

bag-to put belongings and shoes in so they stay safe

Thursday, October 23, 2008